Today, we have visited the Upper Gorge and Vermock Bridge areas of Rjukan. Martin and I began the day by attempting Blindtarmen. We managed one and a half pitches, but unfortunately then had to retreat due to deteriorating ice conditions (both quality and quantity). We then headed further down the gorge and climbed Tracy’s Eyes. The climbing conditions on this route were pretty good. The photo above shows Martin just before the crux which is a hidden groove above Martins left shoulder.
As a third route of the day we moved closer to the Vermock Bridge and climbed Weeping Wall. This route is not in the Rockfax guidebook. It is a right facing corner 80 metres right of Vermokbrufoss Vest. The route is one pitch long and graded WI4.
Graham and Ivor climbed Lettvann reporting good conditions on the route with good screw belay’s.