16/01/12 Cam Chreag, Meall nan Tarmachan Area

Out with Nic, Euan, Pamela, Davy and Fran on an EICA Ratho Staff Training day today looking at short roping and general winter mountaineering. We visited Cam Chreag, a south/south east facing crag underneath the summit of Meall Garbh. The major gully lines and crag apron contained firm neve and the turf was very well frozen.

Davy Virdee near the bottom of McKay's Gully

McKay’s Gully was climbed on a mixture of snow and frozen turf. The right hand branch of Easy Gully was climbed and the left hand branch of Easy Gully was descended on good snow. Below freezing at crag height all day, light SW breeze and cloud cover for most of the day, but no precipitation.

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