Back on the 451 bus

You wait ages and then two come along at once. I was back in Creag an Coire Dothaidh today. The fact that Fahrenheit 451 was climbable was too good an opportunity to miss with Mac and Sharon.

The bottom pitch was more hollow than on Wednesday and I ran the first two pitches together to avoid belaying under some heavy drips. The upper section was excellent, although softening up in the sun. It felt like a continental day climbing ice pillars in the sunshine.

We then wandered over to have False Rumour Gully, which was in the shade. It looked really fun, but unfortunately the bottom few metres had cracked horizontally and had detached, so we gave it a miss and headed for very pleasant refreshments in the Bridge of Orchy Hotel.

A beautiful day with only a very light breeze and great views. Unfortunately the sun was stripping the crag fast and most of the buttress/turfier routes looked black by mid afternoon, although the turf was probably still hard frozen. There was a temperature inversion, making the crag considerably warmer than the road level.

Still having trouble uploading photos I’m afraid.

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