Beinn Mheadhonach and Beinn Dearg – Glen Tilt

Nettle and I were out for a bit of a leg stretch today. We parked at Old Bridge of Tilt and headed up the glen before branching off to take in the long ridge of Beinn Mheadhonach.

Nettle enjoying the wintery conditions
Nettle enjoying the wintery conditions

After the summit we continued North along the ridge over Carn a’Chiaraidh before swinging around via Elrig ‘ic Toisich and then West onto the North Ridge of Beinn Dearg. We took in the summit and then headed down to the bothy to get out of the weather before walking back along the tracks via Old Blair. Thanks to the Mountain Bothy Association for maintaining the excellent bothy.

Nettle and me at the summit of Beinn Dearg
Nettle and me at the summit of Beinn Dearg

A good long day out for the time of year, with headtorches being required for the last few kilometres. There was fairly constant snow falling above about 900m on a South-Westerly wind.

Taking a break in the bothy
Taking a break in the bothy
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