A couple of weeks earlier in January I had a great time working on the British Mountain Guides winter training and even bumped into wilf on the east ridge of beinn a choarain.
Last week working on MIC training with Plas Y Brenin I met a friend of euans, Ady Williams total legend.
This last few days working with Finn have been brilliant.
Some of the routes climbed in the last few weeks.
Mega Route X
Vanishing gulley
The curtain
raeburns buttress intermediate gulley
Italian Right hand
tower ridge
point five
1934 route
ledge route
Castle north gulley all ben nevis.
I found great conditions on routes in glencoe, aonach mor and rhe cairngorms but the ben is as good as Ive ever seen it, even met chamoniards on the curtian yesterday.
Lets hope it survives this turbo thaw.