Cam Chreag Topo 2 – Forgotten Buttress and Fan Buttress

Since I put the topo of the right hand side of Cam Chreag up there’s been a fair bit of interest and a few queries asking if I had a topo of the rest of the crag. I do have a topo of the left hand side (East Face) of the crag; unfortunately the photo isn’t great and I’m still not completely convinced everything is in the right place. However, there’s a copy below with a few comments/caveats.

Cam Chreag East Face Topo

Cam Chreag East Face showing Forgotten Buttress and Fan Buttress. I’ve climbed or descended all the lines shown in red on both topos and the grades are confirmed as much as they can be for a winter route. Lines of Knucklebuster Corner and Easy Gully definitely confirmed. Line believed to be the Left Hand Start to Fan Gully was soloed at II in icy conditions without much snow. Line shown as Cam Gully was descended, the description in the 2003 SMCJ may indicate that Cam Gully is the more open gully right of the leftmost buttress.

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