Thursday Damien and i climbed Messenger on the Mess of Pottage IV6 or V6 in the new guide book.
We found good mixed conditions i.e. neve on ledges and cracks free from verglas a fine route if a bit short.
Friday we needed more of a wilderness experience and popped over the back in a super fast time to Carn Etchachan.
We geared up at the bottom of scorpion feeling physced to be climbing a Cold Climbs Classic Patey route.
Turfy mixed on the first pitch led to the subterrenan pitch Damo did a good job but it felt harder than anything on the Messenger.
The following corner pitch was quite exciting on small footholds but good hooks.
A bit of a romp for 80m led to the sting in the tail which was fine with really useful ice in the corner and the cornice to finish was non existant.
A belter of a route.