Lowther Hill Ski-ing

When we were flying back in to Edinburgh yesterday we were able to see that there was a fair bit of snow in Southern Scotland, so Euan and I headed out for a quick ski tour today.

Euan skinning up near the new ski tow
Euan skinning up near the new ski tow

We started from Wanlockhead and were able to skin from the road up to the summit of Lowther Hill mostly on the snow on the access road and tracks. We then had an excellent run back to about 500m. We skinned back up near the line of the Lowther Hills Ski Club ski tow, which is under construction. This area then gave a good run back down although care was required in the limited visibility as there are already some sizable cornices forming.

Euan ski-ing on Lowther Hill
Euan ski-ing on Lowther Hill

Cloud from road height most of the day with a fresh West/North-West wind. Some fresh snow was falling and there was plenty of wind movement. Where snow had drifted there were excellent ski-ing conditions, however the weather was warming up as we left with the snow turning to rain at road level.

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