I was out today with Davy Virdee on Cam Chreag (Meall nan Tarmachan). The cloud was in on the approach and weÃÂ initially climbed a route thinking it to be Lozenge Buttress; in our defence the shape of the buttress and the bounding gullies fitted the description. However, as the climbing was too easy, the route was too short and it brought us out just east of the Meall Garbh/Meall nan Tarmachan col, we descended from the col and locatedÃÂ the correct Lozenge Buttress and climbed that. The first route gave an easy, but hard to protect 100m, II with a suggested name of Rhombus Buttress. Lozenge Buttress gave good climbing on generally solid turf (which feltÃÂ fairly steep for the initial 50m) and fairly deep soft snow. Definitely a place to take warthogs as these provided mostÃÂ of the runners and belays.
Snow down to the Ben Lawers visitor centre on our arrival. It felt below freezingÃÂ all dayÃÂ aboveÃÂ about 700 to 800m. Some fresh snow andÃÂ transportation onÃÂ a SWÃÂ wind (enough to partially fill in our approach tracks). Turf was frozen hard where exposed. A light drizzle was falling by our return to the car park at about 4pm.
There’s a couple of photos over on Davy’s site Mountain Active Blog.