Rock climbing in the Lake District

Steve topping out on Middlefell Buttress.
Steve topping out on Middlefell Buttress.


Today, Duncan and I climbed at Shepherds Crag. We had intended on climbing in the South Lakes but low cloud and drizzle persisted longer than forecast. We climbed Brown Slabs Arete, Brown Slabs Direct and the super classic Little Chamonix to finish. All three routes were dry and the crag remained quite all day.


Yesterday, Duncan, Steve and I were climbing in Langdale. We began the day by climbing Gimmer Chimney on Gimmer Crag. The route is given ‘Very Difficult’ in the guidebook but felt harder than this due to the low cloud making the rock damp. The chimney on pitch two is also currently wet and the rock is green.

After descending out of the cloud and down to the base of Middlefell Buttress, the lads then led this classic three pitch ‘Difficult’ rock climb. The rock was in perfect condition.

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