Martin and Nettle went in to Stob Coire nam Beith on Wednesday to have a look at Deep Cut Chimney, which was thinly iced/melting with soft turf so climbed North West Gully by the second pitch of the Direct Start instead (the first pitch not being fully formed). The pitch required care, but was climbable at about IV. The rest of the route provided a very pleasant way up the hill.
On Thursday Martin and Nettle climbed Morwind on Aonach Mor East Face. Easy Gully and the crag apronÃÂ was fairly heavily loaded with moist snow and there were some big cornices. Sun on the rocks was warming in behind the ice/snow in places, but Morwind gave excellent, if delicate, mixed climbing and an easy cornice exit. Two other parties in the Coire, one climbing Left Twin and the other retreating after a pitch of Turf Walk (reporting variable turf). The ski-ing looked good and the ski touring looked excellent.